Marilyne Cleeves, MS
Marilyne has been teaching “Office Technology” and “Computer Software Applications” at Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo, CA since August of 1990. She received her Microsoft (MOU) Expert certification in 2002.
While maintaining her IT support company, raising 3 children and teaching part-time, Marilyne was able to complete her Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology (2014 -graduating Summa Cum Laude) and Master’s Degree in Information Technology Project Management (2017-Graduation with Distinction).
During her studies, she became nationally certified by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS).
From 1993-2003, she managed several computer labs on and off the Cuesta campus. Because the labs were not in the campus mainstream she was in charge of setup, purchasing, network maintenance and computer maintenance. The management of these 75 computers included network administration and maintenance.
In 2002, she began her IT support business that included webpage design, network administration and setup. Because of her college resources, she has able to recruit competent, certified, network administrators from Cuesta College and Cal Poly University to work with her when necessary. These administrators have experience and concentrated focus in domain networks, MS Exchange networks and Novel networks. Their certifications include a Doctorate Degree in Network Systems Management and industry certifications with CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft and Novel.
Working in the public sector, Marilyne found many companies make the mistake of cutting corners with wiring costs and setup. Central Coast Support has been able to partner with a very reasonable, certified electrical contractor on the Central Coast that will setup and install wiring for new and existing offices. The company has installed network wiring for offices with up to 600 network connections in one office. They have all the latest diagnostic equipment necessary to setup a professional network system.