It is often necessary to remove older print drivers from you computer these steps should help:
- Go to Print Management:
- Windows 7: Left click the windows button (in the bottom left hand corner) and type print management and select print management.
- Windows 10: Search for administrative tools and select administrative tools.
- Click print management select All Printers under Custom Filters. Delete all printers.(you can leave Fax, Adobe PDF, Microsoft XPS Document Writer, and Send to OneNote alone).
- Then go to All Drivers under Custom Filters. Delete all drivers.(you can leave Fax, Adobe PDF, Microsoft XPS Document Writer, and Send to OneNote alone).
- If you come across an issue where it states that it cannot be deleted it is okay and just move onto the next one.
- Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers. You will see 4 folders: color, IA64, W32X86, x64.
- Go into each folder one at a time and delete everything in there. If there are folders inside go into those folders as well and delete everything in them.
- For example W32X86 folder has generally a “3” folder and a “PCC” folder(it can have more folders). Go into all folders there and delete everything.
- During this process some files may refuse to be deleted and you can hit try again but it will still not delete and that is okay just move on.
- Restart the computer.
- The correct non-corrupted driver should be installed and the problems should go away